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African press review

African press review 11 April 2016

Will the ANC's damage control operation suffice to rescue President Jacob Zuma? Have the controversial Guptas fled South Africa for good? Nigeria's anti-graft agency hunts for 4 million euros diverted to pay 23,000 "ghost workers".And Kenya investigates mysterious high fever which has killed 23 todlers in one month.


In South Africa, the newspapers this morning react to the damage control operation launched by the ruling African National Congress to rescue President Jacob Zuma. This is after the defeat of an opposition attempt to impeach him over his failure to repay some of millions in state funds spent renovating his home.

 Daily News

According to the Daily News, more ANC branches are breaking ranks to join the chorus of those calling for Zuma to step down. The board of the Nelson Mandela Foundation appeared ready on Saturday to join the ranks of the naysayers and called for a meeting with the ANC's leadership on the matter.

Sunday Times

The Sunday Times, for its part, points out that "Zuma may have won the battle,” but asks whether he will win the war.

In a stinging editorial, the paper describes the ANC's leadership’ attempts to protect the President as "shameful and despicable". It says that that their conduct proves once again that "Parliament has become nothing but a tool in the fanatical campaign to protect an erratic character".

Mail and Guardian

The Mail and Guardian claims that there are solid grounds to “make case of theft” against Jacob Zuma".on the basis of last week's Constitutional Court judgement.

The Johannesburg newspaper lists the so-called "seven deadly sins that have landed him in hot water and made him lose the love of his compatriots during his seven years in office, notably "pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth".

City Press

Meanwhile, the City Press accuses the wealth Gupta family of exerting undue influence over President Zuma. It also points out that they have now left the country for Dubai

Business Day

Business Day also focuses on Ajay and Atul Gupta, who migrated to South Africa from India and who own a vast business empire with interests in mining, media, technology and engineering.

The newspaper reports that the family released a statement on Friday saying they were stepping down from the leadership of several of their holdings in a move reportedly linked to the closure of the firm’s accounts by two major banks.

The Nation

Meanwhile, in Nigeria, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has launched a hunt for some 4.4 million euro of public funds reportedly diverted to pay 23,000 ghost workers.

According to the Nation newspaper, EFCC agents were shocked on Sunday to discover that most of the accounts used to pay the workers have either irregular Bank Verification Numbers (BVN) or no BVN at all. The fresh revelations raises the suspicious that the final sum may be more than the 4 million euros so far uncovered by the EFCC.

Nigerian Tribune

The Nigerian Tribune leads with Boko Haram, and says the terrorist group has made a new ransom request to the Federal government for the Chibok girls.

The girls were abducted by the terrorist group two years ago in the north of the country. The newspaper says the group is demanding 70 million euros for their release.

Daily Nation, Kenya

Finally, the Daily Nation in Kenya reports that parents in the county of Nakuru in Kenya, are desperate after a mysterious illness killed 23 children in a single month.

The paper writes that virologists earlier suspected viral pneumonia as the cause of the high fever, weakness, sweating and coughing affecting the babies aged between one day and 11 months. However, tests carried out turned negative, causing more confusion and anxiety among medics and parents.






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