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The Sound Kitchen

The trials and tribulations of Lance Armstrong

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Are you one of this week’s lucky winners? Are you ready to try your luck on today’s quiz question? Click on that little “Listen” arrow above, and join in!

David Franklin/Getty Images/A Terrade

Hello everyone!

Welcome to The Sound Kitchen. You can catch the programme on-the-air every Saturday, at 4:52, 6:22, and 7:52 universal time. You’ll hear the winner’s names announced and the week’s quiz question, along with all the other ingredients you have grown accustomed to: your letters and essays, “On This Day,” quirky facts and news, interviews, and great music … so tune in every Saturday!

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Hot news! The RFI Listeners Club is going strong! As a member of the RFI Listeners Club, you’ll receive extra goodies when you win a quiz – so join today! All you have to do to become a member of the RFI Listeners Club is to send us two identity photographs, your full name, your postal mailing address, and if you have one, your email address.

Your official RFI Listeners Club membership card and number will be sent to you by my good colleague Sébastien Bonijol in the Listener Relations department. Every time you enter a quiz, include your membership number – and if you win, you’ll find an extra special present in your mailbox. So don’t put it off – send your photos and mailing address to Sébastien today!

Sébastien Bonijol
RFI – Relations Auditeurs
80, rue Camille Desmoulins
92130, Issy-les-Moulineaux

Just look at that beautiful link to the Sound Kitchen Listeners Cookbook! It actually happened! I’m very happy about it, and I hope you enjoy looking at it – and trying out some recipes. Please feel free to send in any comments you have, and we would love it if you’d send in photos – of you, and your completed dish. Don’t hesitate to use the “zoom” tool on countries where there are a lot of forks; that will separate them so you can read the titles easier. Click on the title, and the recipe will appear.

Also, if you are interested in corresponding with other Sound Kitchen listeners, let me know. I’ll figure out a way to get you together.

Today’s question was read on 20 October, and was about the seven-time winner (sort of winner, former winner, once upon a time winner, but not really a winner at all, in the end) of the prestigious Tour de France cycling competition, Lance Armstrong.

In early October, the United States Anti-Doping Agency released a report that said Armstrong doped, supplied doping products to teammates and even demanded that some of them dope to help him win – allegations which Armstrong denied until last August, when he announced that he would not fight the case and waived his right to a hearing.

Following all that, his long-time sponsor dropped him, and in the same week, Armstrong stepped down as chairman of the cancer foundation he created – although he said he would remain on its board. Since then, he has resigned from the board as well.
I asked you to send in both the name of the major corporation that dropped Armstrong, as well as the name of his cancer foundation.

The answer is: Nike and Livestrong.

The winners this week are: Mr. Bezazel Ferhat Ben Rabah, from West Skikda,
Algeria; Mr. Abdul Sattar Khoso, from Sindh, Pakistan; Thierry Munganyishyaka,
from Byumba, Rwanda; Ms. Chitturi Sowmya from Hyderabad, India and Mr. Yahya Badjie, from Banjul, The Gambia.

Congratulations winners!

This week’s question is about politics and the presidency of France’s main conservative party, the Union for a Popular Movement, or the UMP. The UMP is former president Nicolas Sarkozy’s party, which lost not only the presidency last spring, but the legislative elections too.

The battle for the leadership of the UMP party has been bitter. The two candidates are both anticipating France’s 2017 presidential elections, and leadership of the party is seen as a good launching pad for the presidential nomination – although there is no guarantee that the party leader will be the party’s candidate for president. At any rate, the campaign was fierce, with both candidates claiming victory on Sunday night, and both candidates claiming ballot-stuffing and fraud by the other side. There was a recount, and Jean-François Copé was declared the winner by a very narrow margin – only 50.03 percent! According to official results, that’s only 98 votes.

So my question to you is, what is the name of the other candidate for the leadership of the UMP party, and what was his position in Nicolas Sarkozy’s government? Send me the name of the man who garnered 49.97 percent of the votes in his bid for the presidency of the Union for a Popular Movement party, and his role in Sarkozy’s government.

Send in your answers by 24 December; the answer and the winners will be announced on the 29 December programme. As always, be sure you send your postal address in with your answer, your RFI Listeners Club membership number … and be sure and tell me if you are a Mr. or a Mrs. or a Ms. or a Miss – I don’t want to get it wrong!

Send your answers to:


Susan Owensby
RFI – The Sound Kitchen
BP 9516
75016 Paris


By SMS … You can also send your quiz answers to The Sound Kitchen cell phone !!!!

Dial your country’s international access code, or “ + ”, then 33 6 31 12 96 82. Don’t forget to include your mailing address in your text – and your RFI Listeners Club membership number!

Remember, it’s not just the quiz that wins you a prize. If your essay goes on the air, you’ll find a package in the mail from the Sound Kitchen. Write in about your community heroes – the people in your community who are quietly working to make the world a better place, in whatever way they can. I am still looking for your “This I Believe” essays, too. Tell us about the principles that guide your life … what you have found to be true from your very own personal experience. Or write in with your most memorable moment, and/or your proudest achievement.

Send your mini book reviews, your musical requests, your secret “guilty” pleasure (mine’s chocolate!), your tricks for remembering things, your favourite quotations and proverbs, descriptions of the local festivals you participate in, your weirdest dream, or just your general all-around thoughts to:

Include a phone number, if you can. I’d like to call you and put you on-the-air … and send you a thank-you gift for participating.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

All the best,


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